We are pleased to announce that this year you will be able to see our company Marino Projects among the 200 largest company leaders in Europe in the ship interior, renovation and construction industry. Marino Projects – will participate in one of the biggest exhibitions of the year, CSI | Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Europe on 29-30November 2023 in ExCeL London.
Marino Projects invites You to visit the exhibition and visit the company’s Marino Projects stand no. 507 in London on 29-30 November.
Cruise Ship Interiors Design Expo Europe – dedicated exclusively to the European cruise ship interior design industry.
CSI Europe connects interior suppliers with Europe’s most renowned cruise lines, designers and shipyards undertaking major renovation and newbuilding projects.
We will focus here on European luxury ocean, river and expedition cruises, and we will chat and discuss the current and latest market trends.
We invite You not to miss the opportunity and stop by the Marino Projects stand no. 507, where our company representatives with many years of experience will be happy to introduce You to the company’s activities and experience and will be able to offer solutions to your pressing issues!
Contact person: Kristina Bredenhoeller k.bredenhoeller@marinoprojects.com www.marinoprojects.com